In Tokyo Train Wars, you are Hiroki, a salary man living in Tokyo. Hiroki must save his girlfriend Keiko, who has been kidnapped by the Yakuza. Ride the top of the Yamanote train through Tokyo to reach Otsuka station where she is being held captive by the gang's leader.
Along the way, Hiroki must combat many bad guys that are trying to stop him from reaching his goal.
Rescue Keiko and receive ringtones for Android-based phones of all station melodies from the Yamanote line, including:
OsakiGotandaMeguroEbisuShibuyaHarajukuYoyogiShinjukuShin-OkuboTakadanobabaMejiroIkebukuroOtsukaSugamoKomagomeTabataNishi-NipporiNipporiUguisudaniUeno OkachimachiAkihabaraKandaTokyoYurakucho ShimbashiHamamatsuchoTamachiShinagawa
* 8 bit style graphics
* All 28 stations of the Yamanote line train are included
* Original Music:
* Actual train announcements for each station
* Yamanote line ringtone bonus when you you complete the game